2040 Millburn Ave Ste 102

Maplewood, NJ 07040


Business Hr. 9am - 5 pm M-F

+1 201 953 4080

24/7 Support

For Employers

Home > For Employers

Welcome Employers

Partner with Kiskeya Core for Your Hiring Needs

At Kiskeya Core, we understand that finding the right talent is crucial for the success of your business. That’s why we offer a range of tailored solutions to meet your hiring needs efficiently and effectively.


Here’s How We Help

We’re committed to elevating your recruitment strategy to new heights.

Leverage Technology Innovatively

We embrace the latest technologies in recruitment, such as AI for resume screening, machine learning for better candidate-job matching, and virtual reality for immersive job previews.

Leverage Technology Innovatively

We embrace the latest technologies in recruitment, such as AI for resume screening, machine learning for better candidate-job matching, and virtual reality for immersive job previews.

Build a Strong Employer Brand

We develop a strong employer brand that resonates with both clients and candidates. We share your company culture, successes, and the values that drive your business through your website, social media, and marketing materials. A strong brand attracts top talent.

Build a Strong Employer Brand

We develop a strong employer brand that resonates with both clients and candidates. We share your company culture, successes, and the values that drive your business through your website, social media, and marketing materials. A strong brand attracts top talent.

Ethical and Transparent Practices

At Kiskeya Core, we uphold the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all of our operations. This integrity helps us build trust and a strong reputation in an industry where trust is paramount.

Ethical and Transparent Practices

At Kiskeya Core, we uphold the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all of our operations. This integrity helps us build trust and a strong reputation in an industry where trust is paramount.

Adaptive and Agile Operations

We’re ready to adapt to changing market conditions, emerging trends, and client needs. An agile approach to recruitment helps keeps ahead of others who are slower to change.

Adaptive and Agile Operations

We’re ready to adapt to changing market conditions, emerging trends, and client needs. An agile approach to recruitment helps keeps ahead of others who are slower to change.
Our Communication Team Is here for you. Whether you prefer a call or an email during business hours, rest assured of our immediate support.

+1 201 953 4080

24/7 Support for Your Business

Contact Us

Phone: +1 201 953 4080

Email: Contact@kiskeyacore.com

Address: 2040 Millburn Ave Ste 102, Maplewood, NJ 07040

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